How Nerdy Are You? 16 November 2008 1 min readbad mud, iseng-iseng berhadiah Low Ranking Nerd. Definitely a nerd but low on the totem pole of nerds hahaha, i don’t care if I’M A REAL NERD. I AM NERD. SO WHAT? ;)) how nerdy are you? check there. Share this:PrintFacebookTwitterEmailLike this:Like Loading... Related Published by uthie 14
Recently Read and Life Recently Recently Read and Life Recentlybad mud, book, ceceritaan, daily15 years ago8
Juminten 16 years ago are you? 😛 *cermati uthie dgn lebih detail* wah, kyknya kamu emang aneh. anak siapa, sih? xD
Juminten 16 years ago eh thie, aku udh nyoba. dan hasilku… taraaaaa… 86! wkwkwkwk… High-Level Nerd. howeeeekk…
chocoluv 16 years ago saya coba dan ternyata skornya 45. wah ni tes bias budaya dan yang diomongin ilmu pasti doang. ga valid dan kurang reliabel 😛
Uthie 16 years ago @ Juminten: mhuahauhauahahaha… =)) @ mas tupic: ;)) @ chocoluv: iya sih mon. yg anak informatika ato ilkom ato yg emang hobi ngubek-ngubek komputer pasti bisa jawab pertanyaannya :p buat have fun ajalah 😀
adit-nya niez 16 years ago 25% scored higher (more nerdy), 1% scored the same, and 74% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Mid-Level Nerd. Wow, it takes a lot of hard nerdy practice to reach this level. Apa itu… ;))
Uthie 16 years ago @ TiTiSh: hadiahnya nggo aku nuuu.. what? PR? haduuuhhh, lah wong tugas dewe ae terbengkalai. ntar yaaa :p
are you? 😛
*cermati uthie dgn lebih detail*
wah, kyknya kamu emang aneh.
anak siapa, sih? xD
eh thie, aku udh nyoba.
dan hasilku… taraaaaa… 86! wkwkwkwk…
High-Level Nerd.
dunia maya pun mengakui… :-p
saya coba dan ternyata skornya 45. wah ni tes bias budaya dan yang diomongin ilmu pasti doang.
ga valid dan kurang reliabel 😛
@ Juminten: mhuahauhauahahaha… =))
@ mas tupic: ;))
@ chocoluv: iya sih mon. yg anak informatika ato ilkom ato yg emang hobi ngubek-ngubek komputer pasti bisa jawab pertanyaannya :p buat have fun ajalah 😀
25% scored higher (more nerdy),
1% scored the same, and
74% scored lower (less nerdy).
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:
Mid-Level Nerd. Wow, it takes a lot of hard nerdy practice to reach this level.
Apa itu… ;))
AKu ndak mau nyoba
soalnya udah tau pasti hasilnya ancur!
Hahhahhhaaaaa xD
hueeee 😀
so what gitu loh??
kalo rank nya tinggi, cepet dapet jodoh gak ya… ?
lam kenal ya
lebih rendah dikit. haha
kq tagnya iseng2 berhadiah? mana hadiahnya?? huh! =P
btw, ada pr bwt sampeyan =D
@ TiTiSh: hadiahnya nggo aku nuuu.. what? PR? haduuuhhh, lah wong tugas dewe ae terbengkalai. ntar yaaa :p
62. Selisih 1 digit thie 😀