
Halo, Uthie!

Bagaimana rasanya dapat kartupos? senang ya! πŸ™‚

that’s what Puty wrote on her postcard she sent me. here it is.

postcard from Puty. she drew the fat bunny by herself. cute, eh?

very very very happy, Puty! kyaaa kyaaa kyaaa (heart_beat)

how about you? what would you feel when you receive postcards? or Lebaran cards/christmas cards? or post mails? happy? delightful? yet surprised, maybe. surprised that postal service is still used. of course, it is. we’re just way too busy talking to the screen.

I am thinking about sending some postcards (like Puty did), too. I have some postcards with architectural pictures on them, take a look at here. anyone interested? it’s FREE. GRATIS. Β just leave comment here. I’ll e-mail you (make sure e-mail address you submited on the comment is active) the details πŸ˜€

cepetan! sebelom kehabisan! (haha)

or maybe you may join the Postcrossing Project? I found a teenager who is still interested in postcards and post mails, while her friends are too busy with their Blackberry or yelling on Justin Bieber. she even asked me to be her pen-pal. I mean, PEN-PAL? ha-ha.

see? everyone miss receiving post mails πŸ˜€

Just Saying Oh-eM-Ji. Really?


aku gelem thieeeee…

skarang sih kadang2 aku ngirim handmade postcard ke orang2 yang mau dikirimi (guaya tok, padahal maksudnya ngirim foto hasil jepretan sendiri, soale ga bisa nggambar (taser) )

anw, postcrossing itu menyenangkan.. termasuk pada bagian orang2 takjub ngeliat aku dapet banyak kartu pos dari luar negeri (headspin)

ihhh postcardnya lucu…aku mau dong puty!! *telat*

aku mau dong thie..hihi :-D

kok kayaknya seumur hidup aku gak pernah kirim kartu post.. pernahnya kartu lebaran dan surat biasa..itu pun aku kirim ke sepupu2ku… skrg udah ga pernah lagi… kalau nerima kartu post..kayaknya cuma satu kali,itu pun dr bapakku yg lagi dinas -__-

aku mau aku mau aku mau *excited*

ihhh, lucuuuu.. aku mauuuuu :D

jadi inget terakhir dapet postcard tuh jaman2 kuliah
itu juga gak dikirimin/dikasih,
tapi postcard free untung pengunjung sebuah restoran,
tak ambil2in aja, hahahaaa :))

*duh, suka tiap kali ada petugas post datang ke rumah* xD

@ ben: (unsure)

@ Ellya + Nisa + Nieke: tunggu kedatangannya ya. alamat kalian sudah ku-list πŸ˜‰

@ ndutyke: wihihihihih ;))

@ alle: orang ini malah bikin penasaraaaannn (taser)

pengeeeennn.. tapi dikirimin aja
hampir sebulan ini jd langganan ma pos gara2 kirim2 amplop coklat :(

Hi Uthie.. I (heart) postcard and stamps too..
It gives us feel different when we received it than we send mail via email..
It makes us be patient and a great happiness when we got it :-))

Nice to meet can also follow my blog and I will follow back :-))
I will wait you.. B-)

Greetings, (bye)

Aku maukk! Tp selain Romo Mangun, ternyata udah punya semua e =P
Bikinanmu aja Tan.. Jepretanmu kek begitu ;)

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