#Postcards: February

sorry for the delay. I got a thing last week and not connected to internet properly so I didn’t do update last week. here the postcards I sent and received on February.


to Maya (@myfloya) at Banjarmasin. she sent me an e-mail.
to Mas Zam (the one who has the hosting of this blog hahaha), at Jakarta.

to leejans (ID - 8692) at Finland. via Postcrossing
to Herfst at Netherlands (ID - 8691). via Postcrossing.
to mcfloozy at USA (ID - 8693). via Postcrossing.

kartu pos karya-karya Romo Mangun-nya masih banyak. jadi ngabisin stok dulu (haha)



from Da-nyashik, Russia (RU - 291677). via Postcrossing.


from LapinLintu, Finland (FI - 1003017). via Postcrossing. I love this one, CUTE BABY! :3
from karenmslen, UK (GB - 196871). via Postcrossing.
from Purin, Taiwan (TW - 251183). via Postcrossing. this one is my favorite! :3
from elvsh, Germany (DE - 803834). via Postcrossing.
from Maya (@myfloya), Banjarmasin. replied my postcard.

5 sent. 6 received.

I’m still waiting for a card from Fendy (@callmefendy). kok ga nyampe-nyampe ya. sepertinya emang kiriman dari Jakarta itu lama banget nyampenya. padahal yang dari Kalimantan aja (yang dikirimnya belakangan) udah nyampe. apa perangkonya kurang banyak 😐

INTP: Introvert, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving. Week #6 & #7


woo banyak kiriman o_O

bulan kmaren lagi jarang ngirim, jadi cuma dapet dikit. hihihi

yang Taiwan & Jerman bikin ngiler pingin ksana (haha)

hihihihi. aku juga cuma ngirim tiga. dapet lima (banana_cool) (banana_rock)
iya el, minta duit dong buat ke sono *ditoyor* (taser)

kyaaaaaaaaaa~~ uthie~~
asik banget deh tukeran postcards gitu. gimana ceritanya bisa tukeran sm yg diluar sana? o_O

halo uthie,
salam kenal ya.
saya postcrosser juga, tapi masih newbie.
saya juga suka banget sama postcard karya2 romo mangun.

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