A Month
to be honest, I never thought I’d be ended up working in this construction industry. yes, I’m an architecture graduate, a bachelor of engineering, but I was telling myself (and others hoho), I might not be working my ass off this kind of industry. I was just not really into this.
however, I made a choice. I got in this industry. and it’s not as bad as I ever thought.
I met new good friends (really, despite of the smoking problem, they’re all actually nice), new colleagues, learn many new things, jump into a new world. I’m still a beginner, tho. the youngest among all (yes, I am! haha), paling bego, paling lemot, paling nyablak dan yang paling keliatan banget bocahnya ya saya ini :))
and of course, the paycheck. not much, but it’s worth the works I done. how does it feel to earn your own money that only for your own sake? it’s AWESOME, right? (yahoo)
still long way to go. sure I know there will be ups and downs. the only thing I keep in mind is, just enjoy it. when you passed every ups or downs, you’ll know what will they bring you into.
Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase — Martin Luther King, Jr.
the thing is, I suck on all my challenges. LAME. I didn’t sent any postcards ever since I became an employee. GA SEMPET, duh. I work from 8 am – 6 pm, Monday – Saturday. if anything urgently happens, I also go to work on Sunday. istirahat makan siang satu jam juga rasanya terlalu sedikit waktunya.

hence, I received MAAAANNNYYY POSTCARDS. from Postcrossing, from Puty, from Ita (she went to Thailand woohoo), from Nisa, from Finka (YA AMPUN, saya lupa mau balesin :(( ), from Ondel (who went to Mecca for Umroh). and I forgot that I joined this. I received many handmade and painted postcards. thank you very much, people! they’re all beautiful. I’m very sorry that I still can’t send you one. bahkan mau menscan kartupos-kartuposnya saja saya malas uhuhuhu 🙁
I also lack my reading challenge. buku ada numpuk di rumah yang menunggu untuk dibaca. tapi kaga dibaca-baca juga :)) malah lebih banyak baca komik. well ga baca sih, lebih banyak liat-liat gambarnya doang =)) beli buku pun rasanya juga malas. I still visit bookstores, tho.
so much to do, so little time, so(k) sibuk muhahahah. I have to learn time management again, I guess.
first photo taken from here.
ah orang sibuk ya mba :D
B-) *digeplak*
ciyeeee … yang sudah nyaman sama kerjaannya :) nice thie :D
tetep muncul ya *apa sih* :p (cozy)
kalo dibilang nyaman, sekarang mungkin iya, mba. mudah-mudahan sampai seterusnya (goodluck) tetep muncul apanya sih? *ngupil*
waw, uthie… selamat ya… mudah2an betah di sana :) selamat menggapai semua pengalaman :) trus soal post card…tenang aja uthie, saya juga waktu itu balesnya *ngitung* 5 bulan kemudian kan nyahahaahaha *dilempar sendal* ga dibales juga gpp koq (girlkiss)
makasiiiih nis (cozy)
gyahahahah, pake diitung sama dia :))
Percayalah, rejeki udah ada yg atur. Ikuti saja dulu skenario-Nya. :D Yakinlah, Ia tau apa yg terbaik. ;)
Selamat atas pekerjaan barunya, ya. ^^
makasiiihhh, tante (girlkiss)
hmmm..senangnya yg udah nemu right place u/kerja (I’m happy for you :-)) )..temenmu ini still ‘job hunter’ sambil nunggu wisuda :-(
ya begitulah nasib jadi ‘junior’ .. need extra energy u/mendapatkan kesempatan2&pengalaman baru..me too..baru selesai kerja rodi selama 2 minggu d acara kampus..
PS:sama..aku jg lupa blm bales2in kartu pos :-P
iya, ta. kadang aku suka lupa kalau aku ini masih kroco. sebaiknya hindari banyak mengeluh, doh 😐
“I also lack my reading challenge. buku ada numpuk di rumah yang menunggu untuk dibaca. tapi kaga dibaca-baca juga :))…” –> alasan kerjaan yg bikin cape juga suka saya pake tuh. Padahal emang dasarnya saya males aja… (idiot) hahahaha
hahahahahah. tapi emang. kalo udah pulang dan nemu kasur, bawaannya pengen goler-goler terus :))
sama mbak, terkadang dalam siklus kehidupan yang hanya 24 jam udah berapa kali ngeluh, emang nggak ada gunanya (idiot)
mending baca buku en hunting makanan enak
ciee yang sibuk sekarang… (hassle)