Thirty Two

25 April 2020, 7th week of isolation. It was Saturday and my 32nd birthday.
I had some plans going for the birthday; going home, spent the second day of Ramadan with the family, getting iftar together at some restaurant, etc.
Coronavirus turns it all over.
Well not exactly.
Instead spending it with almost of the whole family, I did spend it with a member of the family, Riris, my sister who lives in the same city.
We’re finally reunited after 1,5 months?
She came to visit, I said she should take taxi or Gocar/Grabcar to my house. She arrived at around 10.00 in the morning and already hijacked my bed to read my comicbooks.
We then spent the day reading, napping (I did, and ignoring messages came from clients and colleagues about work), chatting, watching movies, and planning what we’ll be having for Lebaran; because we’re gonna spend it again together here.
We were planning to have a fancy dinner (or iftar, as it’s Ramadan and we are fasting); so obviously it’s either steak or Gyu-Kaku. We chose steak. At first, we were about to order Holy Cow as they have ready-to-cook version of their steak selections we can buy at Tokopedia, but then we checked our go-to steakhouse we’ve been missing, Tokyo Skipjack and they do delivery, too! Even better, it’s ready to eat, we don’t have to cook! (Dasar memang anak-anak malas)

So we ordered via Whatsapp the same menu as we always order and said we want to have it by iftar. They said OK and the order will be delivered by 17.00 (approx an hour before iftar). Dinner’s sorted.
I have also been thinking about ordering a cake. I never had a birthday cake for myself and I want The Harvest cake, nothing else. As Riris wanted cheesecake, we chose Mango Cheesecake and ordered it via GoFood at 15.00. At 16.00 I made Tahu Berontak batter; it’s basically bakwan batter with all these vegetables and flour but I add tofu in it, had some fried (and kept the rest of the batter for later) at around 17.15 whilst making hot teas for both of us and waiting for the steak.
All in all is a perfect very tiny party, just with my sister and we had a blast.
Buka puasa diawali dengan minum air putih dan teh hangat sebagai pembatal puasa sebagaimana sunah nabi. Ga ada kurma, karena saya emang ga suka. Dilanjutkan dengan makan NZ Steer Striploin 200gr in medium uwuwwww.
Sedikit insiden saat makan steak karena lupa tidak punya proper steak knife di rumah sementara cutleries plastik yang dikasihin TSJ mah ya ga bisa buat motong steak yang sudah agak mendingin. :))
Tapi rasanya masih sama. French fries-nya nampaknya lebih banyak dari kalau makan di tempat (Atau antara saya yang kelaperan atau excited udah lama ga makan steak bahahahah). Setelahnya solat Magrib dan cari-cari tontonan di Netflix. Riris berakhir baca komik dan saya nonton Peppa Pig sambil ngemil Tahu Berontak.
Tak lupa pula ada minuman semi-memabukkan (buat kami) berupa oplosan Sprite+Nutrisari dan cheesecake sebagai penutup.
Setelah kenyang sekenyang-kenyangnya ya tentu saja semua lupa sama ibadah solat tarawih ckckckckck umat Islam macam apa.
Lumayan juga ya ulang tahun kali ini berwarna setelah sebelum-sebelumnya dihabiskan dengan meeting dan lembur. Apalagi di masa PSBB kayak begini, kupikir ga bisa parti-partian. Ternyata masih bisa.
My wishes is only for this uncertainty is over and I can finally have a vision for certainties.
alles gute zum Geburtstag!
danke schön!
Selamat ulang tahun, Uthie! Semoga sehat dan bahagia selaluuu…
makasih, kimiiii :*