I HATE Smokers

I hate smokers. none in this world have exceeded my hatred towards smokers. I still can tolerate an atheist. but not a smoker. I even hate my dad when he’s being a smoker. thank God, he’s an occasional smoker and he doesn’t smoke in front of his children. he goes out of the room/house, smokes there.

I hate smokers. they screw not only their own life but others. remember Tika (@tikuyuz)? she died because she had Bronchopneumonia Duplex. she got that because she worked with bunch of smokers in an air-conditioned room. she died because of those smokers-asses. WHY HER? WHY NOT THEM? since then, I hate the smokers more. especially the ones who ignore the sign “NO SMOKING” in the air-conditioned room.

I hate smokers. for me, they are even worse than liars. liars sometimes should lie for a good reason (say, white lies?) to person that have been lied. smokers? they smoke, but who got the effect of the smokes? not only the smokers, but everyone around them.

I hate smokers. you think you’re cool when you smoke, dude? NOT A CHANCE. it just drops your value. I would think a thousand times to have a crush on a smoker. I probably will not make a good friendship with them.

I hate smokers. please, what’s the advantage of smoking? tell me, ONE. you say, it can help you relieve your stress? how stress are you, eh? I can relieve stress without smoking, WHY CAN’T YOU?


and for few times ahead, there are two person that I have to deal with, which both are heavy smokers. one of them, my co-worker, is in the same room with me for 8 hours (and more, if I have to work overtime).  the other, is my boss. he is the heaviest smoker I ever found. he even has this hugeeeeee lighter, about 20 cm-long. seriously the lighter’s scared the hell out of me.

this is kinda a dilemma. I don’t know how to say my complains about the smokes. I don’t mind if they smoke in un-air-conditioned room. go ahead. wind will blow the smokes off. but if you smoke in an air-conditioned room, I CAN’T STAND IT. I curse it. and one of them is my boss. and with those smokes around me, I can’t even breath. and the smell. errgghh.

at first, I was like… ‘yeah, it’s okay. how bad could that be?‘. but when there are ‘NO SMOKING IN THIS ROOM’ signs around the office and they still do that in the air-conditioned room, I feel like I’ve been betrayed.

WHAT A JERK. and don’t blame me if I annoy you. I did it on purpose.

A Month Almost 9 Years


woh. saya malah baru tau ttg tika itu. saya udah sering denger ttg perokok pasif lebih bahaya drpd perokok aktif tp baru ngerasa tertohok sekarang setelah tau kasus tika itu. jadi ngeri…

saya sering jadi perokok pasif di angkot. sebel banget apalagi kalau yang ngerokok malah duduk di tengah (bukannya dipinggir kek deket pintu). waktu itu mau negur takut abisnya abang2nya bertato (bigeyes)

kl berani sih mestinya ditegur, tp kl ga berani biasanya pura2 batuk2 parah aja sama ngibas2in idung atau tutup idung (evil_grin)

udah aku tegor! untungnya sekarang ada partner buat mengusir perokok dari dalem ruangan. EAT YOUR OWN SMOKES, SMOKER-ASS! (taser)

Mari salahkan produsen rokok dan marketingnya !!! *eh ini emosi terselubung*

yeah I hate smokers too, semoga gak dapet suami yang perokok (lonely)

bwahahahahah. kok curhat iki malahan. *puk-puk mba Fenty*
aku jane mencoret perokok dari daftar kriteria calon suami :p

hahaha..me too..esp. mereka yg suka ngerokok seenak jidat,,suka g sensi ama sikon.. X-(

tp mirisnya,,education foundation kita malah dari pabrik rokok..dilemma..dilemma.. (doh)

iya ta! aduh agak dilema. maunya anti rokok, tapi dapet beasiswa dari perusahaan rokok ngoonggg ~ (ninja)

Wooohh… Boss mu kok gitu ya, thie? Kok bisa-bisanya melanggar aturan kantor sendiri di dpn anak buahnya? Udah tau ga boleh merokok di ruangan, dia malah merokok. Errr… Aku jd gemes bacanya. Soalnya emang dilema, sih. Secara boss gitu. Tp kalo aku di posisimu pasti udah ga betah kerja, tuh. :|

pada akhirnya, bosku emang beda ruangan. dia sendiri emang ga bisa kalo ga ngerokok. jadi biar sama-sama enak, ya nek pas ke ruanganku, rokok dimatiin di luar. pas aku harus ke ruangan dia, ga mau lama-lama hihihi *karyawan riwil ya* :p

aku toleran sih, asal mereka ngerokoknya ga di depanku. tapi kalo ga nyadar juga ya pilih salah satu: aku yang keluar dari ruangan situ atau mereka yang keluar. tapi kalo si bos masa bos yang keluar? *eh (ninja)

aku pun sesungguhnya toleran. tapi kalo udah di ruangan tertutup ber-AC di mana pasokan udaranya terbatas, ya masa mau dikotori juga sama asep rokok. bengek lah (annoyed)

aku biasanya bebatukan biar nyadari dikit. masa boto keliatan dibuat2 juga (evilsmirk)

WOw.. I hate smoker too… Gak ngerti dimana faedahnya ngerokok.. so I hate it too to the bone!

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